Pre-Design & Site-Related Testing Services
- Identify the testing services that will be recommended and required.
- Retain a contractor to assist with scaffolding or swing stage rigging, site review, and destructive investigation, water testing, and related procedures.
- Work with Client to identify a location on the building to perform investigation and testing procedures.
- Provide on-site monitoring and coordination of testing and sample area installations.
- Provide static water testing of masonry wall, window, and curtain wall systems.
- Establish procedures to properly repair and seal wall, window, and roofing systems to address building leakage.
- Provide in-place water testing of mock-up sample sealing and repair procedures.
- Work with Contractor to perform destructive masonry procedures to establish origin of problems.
- Establish procedures required to properly correct masonry problems.
- Perform in-place water testing of installed corrective mock-up sample of masonry procedures.
- Review testing procedures, findings, and proposed repair procedures with Client.
- Should existing conditions or corrective procedures involve the structural integrity of the facility, retain a structural engineer to work as part of the design team, participate in review and engineering of the proposed repairs, and provide structural engineering recommendations for corrective action.
- Provide concrete coring and testing at balconies, plaza decks, parking structures, and related areas to determine the extent of moisture between structural and overlay concrete.
- Based on core samples and testing procedures performed, develop the extent to which overlay concrete and underlying waterproofing must be repaired or replaced.
- Coordinate findings and decisions from site testing and sample applications into design criteria to be incorporated into the specifications for remedial work.
- Prepare a report documented with photographs to describe existing conditions and to outline recommendations.