Commercial & Industrial Flooring Evaluation and Report Services
- Conduct a visual observation of flooring and determine the types of destructive investigation and testing that will be required.
- Interview Owner to determine expectations for performance and appearance of new flooring, required impact resistance, required abrasion resistance, equipment used on floor (trucks, forklifts, front end loaders, etc.), loads and weights to which floor is subjected, chemicals that impact floor performance, temperature and interior climate under which floor is required to perform, temperature and conditions at proposed time of flooring installation, and other information regarding floor performance.
- Work with Client to identify building locations to perform destructive investigations and testing.
- Identify and document the source of existing problematic conditions.
- Perform investigative cores and destructive investigation of existing flooring to determine underlying conditions, source of existing floor failure, surface preparation, and installation requirements of new flooring system.
- Examine, identify, and document vertical wall materials and details to determine their impact of flooring application and installation details.
- Perform testing to determine existing conditions and project requirements.
- Determine required substrate preparation (shot blasting, power washing, power grinding, etc.).
- Determine substrate repair products required for crack repair, spall repair, and rebuilding joints.
- Determine type of joint sealant required with specific project (polyurethane, silicone, flexible epoxy, polysulfide, polyurea, etc.)
- Determine primers and flooring products required with specific application.
- Work with flooring manufacturer to determine warranty requirements and opportunities available with proposed flooring system and review with owner for acceptability.
- Work with flooring manufacturer to determine maintenance requirements for the proposed flooring system to have ability to meet its maximum performance life capabilities and review these with Owner to assure procedures are achievable within their operational constraints.
- Perform preliminary procedures required for installation of a sample area of substrate preparation, priming, and flooring application
- Verify quantities at facilities to allow cost estimates for required work.
- Develop the scope of work for flooring repair or replacement for inclusion in Construction Documents.
- Present to Client a written report